Reliability - Peacefulness Ranking

The Peaceful Pill Handbook describes 12 methods and provides a "Reliability - Peacefulness" table for each. The table scores each method according to eight criteria, the main ones being Reliability and Peacefulness. Each method is given a final score combining the scores for each criteria.

The final score of a method is done by setting a fixed weight to each criteria. However, readers may have a different opinion on these. For example, a reader may not care at all about whether a method is detectable by authorities or not.

This page, based on the 2022 version of the Peaceful Pill Handbook, lets you chose the weights, and thus see how the methods rank according to the importance you give to each criteria.


  1. Enter weights in the "Criteria Weights" table. The value of each weight can range from 0 to 10.
  2. Press the "Rank" button to show the list of methods ranked by score.
Most of the methods and criteria are self explanatory, except for the following:
Criteria Weights

Weight Criteria Name
Preparation and administration
Speed of Effect
Safety to others
Storage - Shelf Life

Method Ranking